Choosing J.O.Y

Hey Yall!

So, if you're new around here, HEY!!  If you've been around a while then THANK YOU for hanging around and i can only pray you decide to stay.

I wanted to simply share about my life/biz motto, 'Choose Joy'.  It has come to be a phrase i think and repeat to myself on a daily basis and know that it is the Lord's little reminder to do just that--be full of JOY!  

I doodle a lot as most creative {or bored in class} people seem to do.  Something about putting a pencil, marker or pen to scratch paper or a journal releases a lot of tension and brings JOY to my heart.  The other day as I was waiting on a file to upload {joy stealer fo sho!} i found myself sketching out J .O . Y like an acronym, and it got me thinking what those three little letters could actually stand for if it were an acronym.....and i came up with these three words as if Jesus whispered them to me that moment-

J-jesus . O-others . Y-you

way too easy, right??  That order, in that little word and what else do you need to know???  Yes, you can steal that!  write it on a cute card and keep it in your car, stick it in your wallet and GLUE it to your fridge!!  And be on the lookout for a fun new line coming from it as well ;)

“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.”
— proverbs 3.3-4

So, go on with yourself today and decide every morning, every moment to CHOOSE J.O.Y!!!  {oh, and grab a Choose Joy Christmas tee too so others will be reminded to do the same}

click on tee to grab yours today!  They are the SOFTEST and comfiest tees we have ever had in the RDP shoppe!!

click on tee to grab yours today!  They are the SOFTEST and comfiest tees we have ever had in the RDP shoppe!!

with joy ~ em

Bent Out of Shape {a note about rest}

I have a confession....i was super tired and worn this time last week.  That is very hard for a creative to admit, especially a mama creative.  It's not something I am proud of but I found myself forgetting a lot of things, going to bed way too late, running errands that never had a stopping point and neglecting my children in a way I said I never would.  But, thankfully, God grabbed me in just the way He knows how I will respond and told me to breathe because I was "Bent Out of Shape."

This Sunday our pastor had a sermon on how "Normal is Unfulfilled" and i realized i'm much happier being WEIRD!  He had an acronym that spelled the word SHAPE.  Our S.H.A.P.E is declared by our Creator way before we take our first breath.  In Ephesians 2.10, {which happens to be the verse I declared over Sophie while pregnant with her} Paul tells us that "We are Christ's masterpiece {or workmanship}; created in Christ Jesus to do good works which he prepared IN ADVANCE for us to do."  The Hebrew translation of the word 'workmanship' is beautiful is that?  We are His poem, His lyrical masterpiece and we each are given a different stanza, a different rhyme that only He could create.  Well, my poem had turned into an off track record that just kept skipping because it was scratched, badly scratched.

As creatives we tend to take on any and everything we can to fuel our creativity.  We become gluttons of our own creative juices and to be honest, i didn't even have a hunger to create for a while there.  And that alone terrified me.  It stopped me in my tracks and one day in my dining room i broke.  i sat, i didn't say a word and just listened.  it was a prayer of silence where i allowed Christ to flow over me and my spiritual gift.  I heard Him say, STOP.  BREATHE. REST.  He didn't mean go lay down, eat ice cream and sleep {although that sounds like a dream!} .  He was calling me to remember the Sabbath and KEEP IT HOLY.  See, if we become so full of to-dos, people, things, technology or ourselves we don't have time to remember the Holy One at all.  That's why He calls us to rest.  So we He can breath HIS air into our lungs and in turn allow us to breathe out something even more beautiful and poetic.  

I want to create beautiful things FOR HIM.  I want to design fun invitations FOR HIM.  I want to devote time to my family FOR HIM.  I have a craving to glorify Him in every aspect of my life and I know that is meant to be through my work, my relationships and my alone time with my Savior.  He created us to do good works and planned those BEFORE we were even woven in our mother's wombs....that's pretty mind blowing!  Our pasts create lighted ways to our future and He has had His hand in all of that....mind blown again!

So, i say all this as a pouring out of my heaped up heart today.  So you know, as a customer or not, that my heart of hearts is truly for my God!  He created me to create and for that i am over the moon thankful.  But He also wants me to give myself grace and time to rest so my SHAPE doesn't get so out of whack again.  As Shauna Niequist book says, we are to be PRESENT OVER PERFECT {go get this book---you can thank me later!}

I also want you to know that I will be scaling back on what we "offer" at RDP.  We have too many irons in the fire and rather than being a "Jack of all trades and a Master of none", we want to do what we do WELL.  So, please give us grace and know that if we don't do it, we will always refer you to a super creative business that does. 

Wholesale is coming to a halt right now too----that's an entirely different can of worms that I don't feel God is calling me to at this time.  Custom is where we began and it is what keeps this train rolling.  It's truly where my heart is and what feeds my soul----that's important.  Of course, what i have in shops locally is staying and growing and i'm all about the local love:)

Where I am sorry for the essay on my little hiatus, i'm not sorry for what God is doing in me and what He has done thus far.  Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful but I know now that gratitude has to be accompanied by a rested heart to truly bless others.  If my cup isn't filled then I cannot pour into anyone or anything else that needs some filling.  So, here's to a full cup and prayers that it will runneth over to bless those around me.

the man that keeps my head out of the clouds but happily adds air to my crazy balloon when he knows i need it.....God did a good work in the one!  photo by Vicki Eastland

the man that keeps my head out of the clouds but happily adds air to my crazy balloon when he knows i need it.....God did a good work in the one!  photo by Vicki Eastland

Moving into our Christmas card season, I can already feel God's hand on each card and i promise that each family is prayed for more than once in the design process and again when I receive cards in our own mailbox.  So, if I could be so bold to ask that you please pray for me, my family and my carpel tunnel {kidding but not really} over the next 3 months.  And if you see me and i look like i've been out all night drinking----i may or may not have {now i truly am kidding}, know that I love what I do and all of you.  I can say that with all honesty......

...and a RESTED heart whose shape is no longer bent but whole again.  {for now;}

with joy ~ em


{for more on this topic of your SHAPE and God's calling on your life please visit Pinelake and watch the Sermon Series on Weird}  You can thank me for that later too!


Fall, Football, Friends and Fairs

I LOVE FALL!!!  Most southerners will tell you they do, after the summers we endure down south of the Mason Dixon Line.  There are so many fun things that come with the season and we wanted to share a few of them along with some tips and tricks to make your football tailgate the best and easiest on campus!

Let's start with the quintessential fall item....THE PUMPKIN!  How gorgeous are these white tones with each other?  And super easy too!!

white hydrangeas, pumpkins and a few faux or real deer horns makes this motif beyond simple and elegant!

white hydrangeas, pumpkins and a few faux or real deer horns makes this motif beyond simple and elegant!

and what says fall better than football?  Something about the combo of food, friends and fun all being in the same place at once makes my heart skip a beat.  the clothes, the shoes, the sounds and the food cannot compare to any other season of the year.  

In my favorite college town of Oxford, style is of upmost importance to those gracing The Grove.  The best advice though on these sacred Saturdays would be COMFORTABLE shoes!  there is honestly nothing worse than sore, blistered feet on a hot and long football weekend.  So, if fashionable shoes matter to you, let me suggest this little gem.....

Band-Aid Friction block stick

Band-Aid Friction block stick

This little stick fits easily in your lipstick bag or even in your pocket.  And boy will your heels or tops of your toes thank you for it!  Trust me here....these feet have walked enough football games to know.

The last, but not least, most iconic fall function can be nothing else but THE County FAIR!!!  There is no smell like a corndog and fried oreos in October.  Nothing in this world is worth more than a $40 gold fish in a glass bowl that will more than likely pass away within 10 days.  And no smile is compared to a child on a merry go-round that waves at each passing.  My family loves the fair if only for the joy it brings my husband alone!  we go for the people watching, the laughter and joy that comes watching our littles weave through the crowds to find their next ride.  

so, this fall take the time to relish in the smells, the air, and the colors of the season.  but most of all, take each moment as a gift and reminder to cherish each day that we are given.  That each season is God's way of showing us His creativity and joy He finds in His creations made to bring us closer to Him and our families. 

with joy ~ em

Sad News from a Small Town....when we don't understand God's timing

My little college town received devastating news yesterday afternoon and i'm still at a loss for words or why.  3 couples, happily married and returning from a dental conference in Florida were killed in a plane crash near Tuscaloosa, AL.

If you have ever been to Oxford, MS you know that it is a town bursting with love, pride and genuine support for all that reside there.  It is a true Norman Rockwell town and the moment you step foot onto the square your heart skips a beat.

I spent 4 glorious and joy filled years in this town and still get butterflies walking around campus or laughing in the Grove on a brisk game day with my heels on and red solo cup in hand.  So, gut wrenching news as this is sure to shake a town like Oxford and a school like Ole Miss, as it should and would any town this size.

I write this to bring light to our eyes about how we spend each and every day on this earth.  There are 11 children this morning that woke without a mother to fix them their favorite cereal with just enough milk, just the way she knows they like it.  There are 3 sets of grandparents that woke to begin the planning of funerals for grown children gone way too soon.  And there are dear friends that will never call, text or laugh with their best friends again.  There are tears that won't be wiped by a loving father and scrapes and bruises that mama won't be able to heal with a kiss.  Anyway we, as earthly beings, seem to look at it we simply say, "It's so sad and just not fair."

BUT {i adore GOD'S BUTS!} we serve a God that knows and sees way beyond our own understanding.  He knew before those 6 parents left this earth that yesterday was their day.  He knew they would be called to Heaven much before anyone was ready for them to be.  And although we don't understand, HIS way is perfect and true.  So, my prayer for moments as these is it will cause us to love harder, laugh more and let go of regrets, grudges and past tenses.  That we would become a people that LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS.  To be His hands and feet to serve and love those around us.

Help us to love well, Lord and always remember that YOU WIN IN THE END!!

To read the full story on these young lives lost too soon----- Oxford Eagle