Choosing J.O.Y

Hey Yall!

So, if you're new around here, HEY!!  If you've been around a while then THANK YOU for hanging around and i can only pray you decide to stay.

I wanted to simply share about my life/biz motto, 'Choose Joy'.  It has come to be a phrase i think and repeat to myself on a daily basis and know that it is the Lord's little reminder to do just that--be full of JOY!  

I doodle a lot as most creative {or bored in class} people seem to do.  Something about putting a pencil, marker or pen to scratch paper or a journal releases a lot of tension and brings JOY to my heart.  The other day as I was waiting on a file to upload {joy stealer fo sho!} i found myself sketching out J .O . Y like an acronym, and it got me thinking what those three little letters could actually stand for if it were an acronym.....and i came up with these three words as if Jesus whispered them to me that moment-

J-jesus . O-others . Y-you

way too easy, right??  That order, in that little word and what else do you need to know???  Yes, you can steal that!  write it on a cute card and keep it in your car, stick it in your wallet and GLUE it to your fridge!!  And be on the lookout for a fun new line coming from it as well ;)

“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.”
— proverbs 3.3-4

So, go on with yourself today and decide every morning, every moment to CHOOSE J.O.Y!!!  {oh, and grab a Choose Joy Christmas tee too so others will be reminded to do the same}

click on tee to grab yours today!  They are the SOFTEST and comfiest tees we have ever had in the RDP shoppe!!

click on tee to grab yours today!  They are the SOFTEST and comfiest tees we have ever had in the RDP shoppe!!

with joy ~ em