Salty Hair, Don't Care

I wish I could say I wish you were here BUT, the truth just so happens that I truly don't wish for anyone to be where we are but the 3 I'm surrounded by.

I believe there comes a time in your life where you can honestly say you are content with little and yet happier than you've ever been.  When you can count on one hand your tried and true, ride or die homies and that's better than ok with you.  I have sort of always been the type with many acquaintances but a few super close friends.  The friends that are with us on vacation are THOSE friends.  

This summer my prayer has been that we will relish in every . single . tiny moment that our family has together.  We are gifted only 18 years, if we're lucky, of summers together under one roof.  18 years!  That's 6.570 days!  That's 157,680 hours! That's 9,460,800 minutes and that's....well, you get where i'm going {and i'm super bad at knowing if i'm even doing that math right}.  

I prayerfully ask God to not allow my mind be consumed with the world's perception of me during these summers.  May I walk on the beach in my bathing suit without judgment over my own body.  May I be filled with the joy in my children asking to play in the sand with me, do a kart wheel in the grass, or wake one morning and have plans to have no plans!

I was reading an instagram post that Jones Design Co. posted last week and it stopped me dead in my tracks!  Her prayer was the same prayer I have and i KNOW every mother, daughter, sister and friend need to practice.  Lord, help me be PROUD!  She wasn't referring to narcissistic pride but for us to be PROUD of the body God has gifted us.  I have birthed 2 babies, been through 2 miscarriages, played tennis my entire life, wear a bathing suit in public and could probably run a marathon but let's be honest, who really wants to do that??  I should be proud, and my pride should turn to thanksgiving of all my Lord and Savior has bestowed upon my family and me.

So, this summer {and any other time of year}, take a minute to stop before you look in the mirror and disgust yourself at what you think you see and rest for a minute in His presence with a prayer for pride.  Repeat it any time that doubt creeps in; knowing that the evil one is trying to make you question God's every growing grace, and that includes grace on your thighs too!

His Grace is Enough....and because of that, SO ARE YOU!

with joy ~ em

We will be on vacation 6.22-6.27, please note that shipping will be delayed 3-5 days!